About Us

In Scripture, God oftentimes refers to leaders as shepherds (1 Peter 5, Acts 20). In John chapter 21, Jesus tells Peter to do three things- feed His sheep, tend to His sheep, and follow Him (v. 15-19). We believe that protecting God's flock is a part of tending to it. This job is two-fold- it does not just involve planning and preparing, but also trusting in God and His plan. In Nehemiah 4, the people of Jerusalem "prayed to our God and set a guard as protection." We want to come alongside you and your people in both prayer and preparation.

At Shepherd Safety and Security Consulting, we address the challenge of protecting God's people and property in a way that honors Him. We work with you by assessing safety and security vulnerabilities to come up with a plan that best fits your needs.

our values


We value giving you our best effort for your best interest. This means we believe in working WITH you to come up with a plan that serves your church/organization's needs. We will guide you to make sound decisions based on our professional experience while recognizing that many factors come into making decisions for your people. We will shoulder the weight while keeping you involved in the process.

continual learning

We value constant training and preparation. We never “arrive” as there will always be more to learn. We use our vast experience, training, and research to the best of our abilities while utilizing multiple resources to consistently stay up to date on safety and security. Through the grace of God, we humbly recognize that we can always learn more, and because of that, we will continue to grow and refine what we do.

A SOBER mind

We want to convey that the purpose of security is more about love for the innocent than hatred for the enemy. An irrational minded individual sees evil and is drawn to fear and anger. A sober minded individual is drawn to their knees in prayer while preparing in a way that honors God. We neither ignore threats nor are controlled by the dangers they pose.

a biblically led heart

We do this because we believe Jesus has a heart for innocence and justice and wants us to have one, too. We believe that Scripture is clear about this, but are passionate about never twisting the Word of God to fit our own agenda. We are not led by emotions but by the Word and the love the Good Shepherd has for His flock. 

our mission

Helping shepherds protect the Good Shepherd's flock and resources through biblically-led safety and security consulting.